Sunday 20 July 2014

It's Official - STR drops the Young Superstar title !


As SS Music earlier reported on 14/07/2014, There was talks that STR has decided to drop his Young Superstar title.

Now STR has himself officially confirmed that he would not be using the prefix “Young Superstar” from now, Here is the official press release from him

“I have decided to shed off these extra packages that inflates ego. As I’m venturing into the most important phase of my professional life, I’m becoming more conscious of the image I have and the subsequent effect it would have on my fans. 

Being a socially conscious person myself, I fully understand the impact these ‘not so important’ tags’ have over the image of a growing individual. The importance of gaining admiration and appreciation from the general public has been weighing in my mind and this will be a major step towards that. 

I am confident that my fans who had been very supportive to me all through my career will understand and endorse this stand of mine too”

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